Saturday, March 8, 2008

Dr. Wong Hua Seh casting his vote at SK St. Anne


Elegant Coral said...

Well done Dr. Wong and team. To me, you've won. If not for the split votes, u would have truly won.

Unknown said...

51票输了固然可惜,但我相信你的表现已赢得泗里街和民丹莪两地人民的尊重和支持。政治的道路是长远的,只要有心继续为泗里街和民丹莪的百姓喉舌和服务,有效的监督国阵人联的施政表现,我相信作为砂洲火箭桥头堡泗里街一定会有绽放光彩的一天!!Dr. Wong,加油加油!

SIB KingFisher said...

you look different in the web :). By the way, you really show the BN something. They should do their job better now. Hopefully.
