Sunday, February 24, 2008

Parliament Election 2008

Dear Voters in Sarikei Parliamentary Constituency (P.208)

My sincere greetings to you all! I believe you all are full of anxiety and eagerness as you are able to exercise your rights as “the Boss” in this coming 12th National Election. Your votes will be able to change the near future of Malaysia!

This is my first time standing for election under the “Rocket” banner. My mind is filled with all kinds of feelings – excitement, eagerness, and anxiety and so on because this election concerns with our nation future and prosperity as well as people’s rights. As an opposition candidate, I am in an extremely difficult situation as I have to face an uphill task campaigning against the huge National Front (BN) election machinery like money politics, BN-controlled press resulting in unfair press coverage and tyrannical political situation. On the whole, I have to undergo all sorts of pressure and many shortcomings.

For the past 26 years, the voters in the Sarikei Parliamentary constituency have given their undivided support to SUPP. Its elected representative has been the BN Member of Parliament for 5 terms. My dear voters, how is his performance? Has he resolved all the problems faced by his constituents! Has he safeguarded the community’ interest and solved their grievances and woes? Especially the land renewal rates and Iban NCR land. The present SUPP leaders only care about their personal interests or benefits. They are willing to quarrel among themselves just because of conflicts over personal gains or certain group interest. In another word, their purpose of joining politics is just for their personal gains or interest.

Dear Voters,

After experiencing 50 years of democratic politics, I strongly believe as voters, you are now more mature and far-sighted. Please make full use of your critical and crucial thinking skills to vote in this 12th Election. Please receive our campaign slogan “ We Can Be Trusted And Create Changes” whole-heartedly. Only through political change, we can have our corrupted and tyrannical systems changed and resolved. It is only through reducing the two-third majority of the BN seats in the Parliament that our human rights, democracy, freedom and racial unity can be guaranteed. Only then we can be assured of our fundalmental constitutional rights. There is an old saying “power corrupts, absolute corrupts absolutely”.
Dear Voters,

Our responsibility is to elect a real people‘s representative but not to elect a BN representative which serves as a BN “yes-man”. A “yes-man” who is a philanthropist, a tycoon or successful businessman would not be able to speak for the rights of the people in the Parliament. A real and dedicated people’s representative is a man of principle, always with the people interest at heart, speak without fear or favour, keep and fulfill his promises and not against the people wishes. It is only through a strong opposition in the Parliament, we can curtail and check the unjust and unreasonable BN policies. Only then the corrupted politics and draconian laws in the country can be eradicated and abolished.

Dear Voters,

Please do not let go the opportunity to implement a real democracy in our nation. Your votes could bring “changes” to our nation. Our voters are the “Agents of Change”. Please vote for “Rocket” without fear in this election!

I am a local here and have been a medical practitioner in Sarikei for the past 30 years. I understand the needs and difficulties faced by the constituents. If I am elected, I will try my very best to serve you. All my children have found their own jobs. I am now without any financial burden and I believe I can serve my constituents well.



1 comment:

Elegant Coral said...

Hello Dr Wong,
I think you need to get your blog linked to the sarawak dap's website so that more people can find their way to it. I wish you all the best in the coming election.